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We are Arthur George and Elena George, cultural historians and mythologists who write and lecture about myth, religion, and spirituality in the past and present, for the purpose of educating and helping to enrich and improve people's spiritual and psychic lives and our society. Here we provide resources for researching and studying myth, post blogs on myth, and provide information about ourselves, our writings, and our activities. Explore using the buttons above! |
See Art's new book, The Mythology of America's Seasonal Holidays: The Dance of the Horae. Palgrave Macmillan (2020).
This book details how myths underly our seasonal holidays, how understanding the myths can enable us to celebrate our holidays more meaningfully, thus enriching our lives. Although it is peer-reviewed and chock full of sources that will enable scholars and other interested readers to pursue further research, it is written in a fluid and and non-technical style the makes it accessible and enjoyable for general readers. |